Wednesday, May 6, 2009

I bought Affiliate Project X on the day it launched, without doing anything more than reading the sales letter. I don't normally do this - when it comes to Internet marketing products, I like to think about a purchase for a while rather than making an "impulse" buy. But the sales letter for Project X is good - really good. Good enough that I read the whole thing through once and then made an instant decision to buy the ebook.

As it turns out, that really good sales letter is backed by a really good product.

First, a word about what Affiliate Project X isn't. It isn't a step-by-step system to setting up an affiliate marketing business. It assumes that the reader has basic affiliate marketing skills - things like setting up a Web site, using Adwords, good Web copywriting. But it IS a collection of tactics that are not generally well-known, and it DOES use a step-by-step approach, or blueprint, to help you understand and implement each method.

Who should buy Affiliate Project X? If you're new to affiliate marketing, you'll be inspired by what you read in Project X, but keep in mind that this book won't teach you the basics. It's excellent, though, for helping you discover niches to go into, and the step-by-step approach to each method will help you implement the tactics, as long as you know how to handle the basics.
If you're an intermediate or advanced affiliate marketer, you'll definitely get something out of Affiliate Project X. Even if you aren't currently selling a lot of infoproducts (more on that later), these tactics will have you thinking in new directions. Some of you may already be using one or two of the methods discussed in Project X, but the ebook covers a lot of different things and you'll very likely earn about a method you're not currently using.

These techniques are also ones which people haven't been talking about in forums. I've seen people allude to one or other of these techniques in the past, but only vaguely, and I have personally been using one of these techniques myself (the "Workhorse Method"), but Project X discusses each method in a more in-depth way. Even with the method that I'm currently using, I picked up some new tips.

Is Project X helpful for selling infoproducts in other niches?? Yes. The focus of Affiliate Project X is on marketing Clickbank products, but while the examples in the book use Internet marketing products, the methods outlined will definitely work in other niches.

As with all infoproducts, you should find niches in which customers are used to buying downloadable products. Not that I'm saying these techniques won't work otherwise. It's just always easier to sell infoproducts to people who aren't new to buying digital products. But if you do have a system or method that effectively educates and persuades people who have never purchased an infoproduct before, these tactics will work well in any niche in which infoproducts are available.

What about physical products? Can I use these techniques to market products from networks like Commission Junction, Shareasale and Linkshare? While the focus of Project X is on infoproducts (and, specifically, Clickbank products), most of these tactics are definitely adaptable to physical products from networks like Commission Junction.

However, Project X won't take you through the different nuances of using these tactics to market non-infoproducts - you'll have to come up with these on your own. But if you're currently an affiliate marketer for physical products, and you know your market and your particular niches, then you should be able to adapt most of these tactics to suit your niche.
I'd say that the least adaptable method is The Opportunist, but the core of the idea itself is usable - for example, one thought that comes to mind for using this technique to market physical products is to get to know your affiliate manager.

Having said that, though, I should emphasize that Affiliate Project X is definitely focused on selling infoproducts. The methods outlined work best for infoproducts, and if you're NOT currently selling very many Clickbank products, you will come away from this book with lots of ideas for incorporating Clickbank products into your affiliate product portfolio.

Do the methods outlined in Project X require me to market using Adwords or other PPC avenues? Because Chris' last ebook focused on using Adwords, I think many people might be under the assumption that Affiliate Project X is an extension or an expansion of his previous book. But Project X isn't about using Adwords at all.

The ebook includes methods which don't require the use of PPC to market your product. And while some of the methods do include using Adwords as part of the process, you'll be using Adwords campaigns to generate traffic - PPC campaigns are NOT the core concept of these methods themselves.

You can definitely use other non-PPC methods of getting traffic and still implement these same methods. And Chris also outlines two non-PPC methods of getting traffic. One is the Workhorse method. The other is one of his tips in the Advanced Tricks section.

Having a good system for finding good products is really one of the strong selling points of this book. If you've ever wandered over to the Clickbank marketplace and wondered how on earth you can find a gem among all those products, you'll find the last three methods in Project X to be extremely helpful.

Will I really be able to make $100s a day using these methods? Will Project X give me that six-figure annual income? As with everything else, you have to take action once you've learned the methods set out in Affiliate Project X. But I'd say that the methods outlined in Project X are very powerful methods that do have the potential of increasing the income from your affiliate marketing efforts. At the very least, if you commit to using some of these methods, you should see an increase in your sales. But you do need to know the basics or be willing to learn the basics of affiliate marketing, and you do need to take action and commit to implementing what you've learned.

My Conclusion

The Pros

Affiliate Project X is a well-written ebook that offers up six methods that can really get your sales going strong.

It's not a rehash of stuff that you can learn by spending time in forums.

It's not an ebook that's been "inflated" by a lot of white space. There are 50 pages, and each page is packed with information.

Each method is laid out in a step-by-step manner, so you have a blueprint to follow.

The methods are adaptable to different products, and you do NOT have to become a Adwords/PPC expert to reap the full benefits.

The Advanced Trick section is kind of a bonus information section. It also points you to a free way of implementing one of the advanced tricks, saving you money you otherwise would have spent to get the official software product.

The Cons

Even though Chris goes through each of the methods using a step-by-step approach, some of the methods could still benefit from more details.

The book is definitely focused on Clickbank products, and in order to apply these techniques to physical products from networks like Commission Junction, you'll have to do some out of the box thinking.

It would have been nice to see an example that involved a non-Internet marketing infoproduct.

My Recommendation: I definitely recommend Affiliate Project X. If you've been looking for a way to increase your sales or jumpstart your affiliate marketing career, this is the book to get. It's filled with good, solid information that you won't find elsewhere, all outlined in an easy-to-read step-by-step method.

And if you've ever wondered how to pick a Clickbank product to promote, you'll love the product selection techniques that are outlined in Methods 4 to 6. Picking the right product to promote plays a huge role in affiliate marketing, and I'd say these techniques alone are worth the price of the book.

Click here to purchase Affiliate Project X or to get more information.

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